Ahsanul Haque | About me

Hello, good people of the internet. This is Ahsanul Haque. I’m in my 20s and pursuing my undergraduate degree. 

This is the part where I explain why I am writing these articles on different analytics tools and my purpose for doing this. Well, as a person, I believe that I should spread the knowledge that I have learned from this world. So, as I was learning more and more about these amazing tools (MS Excel, BI, Python, SQL, R, Tableau, etc.), I thought I should start writing articles regarding these and what I learned.

My credibility? Well, I completed a few courses on these topics, but does that mean anything? Not that much. As I was learning, I noticed that many of the topic answers were not easy to find or outdated or explained poorly in previous versions of excel. But in this world, we should stay updated with the process. So, I started writing on those poorly explained topics so you can learn easily. I am a work in progress, and let me know how I can improve my writing skills so that you can learn better.  If I can succeed in helping you learn Excel and other tools, that’s my success and my credibility.

Besides that, my career goal is to become a data analyst and a digital marketer and help people solve their problems. 

I love watching movies and series just like everyone else. My favorite genres are crime drama, war, and biography.

A small story: one of the reasons I became more fascinated with data is the movie “Moneyball,” where I learned how structured data and proper analysis can change people’s lives and make life a lot easier, more effective, and more efficient in their work.

To learn proper data analysis, Excel is a great tool to start with. And I am here to help you with that. I am here to make a better community where you can learn and understand data analysis. 

Let me know how I can help you in this journey.

For any professional consultancy, you can reach me on my LinkedIn.

Thank you.