How to print chart in Excel [With Examples]

You can print a chart in Excel by selecting the chart, pressing “Ctrl + P,” and using the print button. But there are more customization options in the print that you might want to know. I personally prefer setting the settings for printing the chart.

Whether you want to put just a chart in your company presentation or data sharing, documentation, data analysis, collaboration, record-keeping, offline reference, or visual communication purposes, there are many times you might need to print a chart in Excel.

There are multiple ways how to print chart in Excel, such as;

  • Using a shortcut
  • From the “Home” ribbon
  • And from the page layout ribbon

Let’s learn them one by one.

3 ways to print chart in Excel [Only the Chart]

As I already said, you will learn three different ways to print charts in Excel, and when I said chart, I meant you would learn how to print just the chart in Excel

Yes, you can also print charts and data or tables, but let’s learn what we came to learn today.

Using the Shortcut

Printing a chart in Excel using a shortcut takes three simple steps and less than a minute.

Here, we will learn with an example, such as how to print pie chart in Excel.

First, select the chart by clicking on it. The chart should now be highlighted, and you will see handles or white-colored rounds around it.

select the chart

Then, press “Ctrl + P” to go to the print section to print settings and preview the pane.

press “Ctrl + P” to go to the print section to print settings and preview the pane

If you’re ok with the print settings, click the “Print” button, and the pie chart will be printed.

But, if you’re wondering, how do I print an Excel chart to pdf? Then, here’s how;

  • Select “Microsoft Print to PDF” in the print settings and press print. 
how do I print an Excel chart to pdf

From the File Ribbon

You can also use the “File” ribbon to go to the print settings. 

  1. Select the graph you want to print.
  2. Click on the “File” ribbon.
  1. After that, click on the print settings.

Or, you can use a hotkey, Alt + F + P + P, to print a chart in Excel.

here is the print settings on excel

And then, set your settings and print the graph you want to print.

Again, if you’re wondering, how do I print an Excel chart on one page?

  1. From the print settings, change the orientation to “Landscape.”
  2. And click on the margins > Custom margins > and set everything to 0.
how do I print an Excel chart on one page

From the Page Layout Ribbon

You can also print a graph from the page layout ribbon.

  1. Select the chart.
  2. Go to the “Page Layout” ribbon.
how to print chart in excel from the page layout ribbon
  1. At the bottom, there is an arrow sign shown in the image. Click on that, and it will take you to the chart settings, and from there, you can format and print your graph.

How to print graph and table in Excel

Sometimes, you might need to print the data/table and the graph. To do that,

  1. Select all cells that contain the data, along with the chart.
How to print graph and table in Excel
  1. Press Ctrl + P to go to the print settings.

Sometimes, all the data and a graph might not fit all on one page. In that case, how to print a chart in Excel on one page?

  1. At the bottom, you will find some options. Select the “Fit Sheet on One Page” from them, and everything will fit on one page.
how to print a chart in Excel on one page

ShortCut / Keyboard Used

  1. To go to the print settings, Ctrl + P
  2. Print hotkey, Alt + F + P + P


You can print a chart in Excel in three ways: using a shortcut, from the file ribbon, and the page layout ribbon.

  1. Using the shortcut, Ctrl + P > click print.
  2. Click on the file ribbon > go to print settings > and print.
  3. Click on the page layout ribbon > click the arrow sign beside the “Page Setup” > go to print settings > and print.

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